Still got loads to update from previous projects, but here is some preliminary work for our final creative project this year. Having decided on a very loose brief of 'florals' I did lots of small sketches / drawings of flowers - most of which i didint like at all! Having been told to follow one style and work on larger pieces, this is what i've been working on. They are paintings with water colour, food colouring, inks and bleach, also oil pastels and wax crayons and black pen to outline (at beginning). Im not sure where they are leading to yet - I am currently in the exploring and experimenting stage! They are all about a3 in size (poss a2)
Not overly keen on first one, although its grown on me. The colour of the flowers does not contrast enough with background??
This one (blue and purple background) I did using charcoal as outline. I like the freeness of the black lines. Inside the tulip is inks, watercolour and prob food colouring. Background is chalk pastels.
Been having difficulty using quill type pen with ink. Think I did this with brush and ink (black). Then oil pastels and wax crayons for a little resist/ highlight before infill with watercolour and food colouring .
inks, water colours. some of the black lines too, errr, heavy? looks better like this than in the flesh.....
Need to do some more geranium paintings - the ones i have here are soooo pink, just like the bright ink pink ive got - its such a vibrant colour.
There were loads of bell flowers (my name for the flower) in cornwall last week. Dont know why i havent noticed them before. They were everywhere! so beautiful and the shapes when properly inspected are amazing. They look as though they were created for people to draw!!!! very satisfying. Huge amount of artistic licence in the colouring............. they are a light cream / nude colour in real life.
(for my reference... sketch first in black fineliner, went over some of the lines to make them thicker, then oil pastel / wax crayon green and orange for resist / brightness, then ink and watercolour / food colouring.
My favourite painting of the day (for my ref again - did all these in one sitting ) poppys i saw the other day. unfortunately i was running low on paper so u can just see the join marks. Charcoal outlines in black, and usual infill.
Not so keen on this one! just wanted to do something free and quick!!!!